HALB Integrates Tiferet Academy in Partnership with AJE
The Hebrew Academy of Long Beach (HALB) and Tiferet Academy (Tiferet) have agreed to unify their efforts in 2013, with the support of Affordable Jewish Education Project (AJE). HALB will incorporate Tiferet's blended-learning educational approach and students into their thriving school of 1,700 students to accelerate their respective efforts to provide excellent Jewish education at affordable rates to Five Towns families.
As part of the arrangement, AJE will be funding the implementation of the blended learning program within HALB.
"AJE is very excited for this groundbreaking partnership that will further spread its mission of providing a high-quality, affordable jewish education to every child," said Jeff Kiderman, Executive Director of AJE. "The HALB community is very fortunate to have visionary professional and lay leaders who, together with the incredibly dedicated Tiferet team, are working to establish a new gold standard in day school education."
"We are confident that our partnership with AJE will provide HALB with the resources and innovation to accelerate our delivery of 21st Century educational technologies," said Lance Hirt, President of HALB's board of directors. "We could not be more enthusiastic about the educational opportunities this will create for our children."
"We are thrilled to work together with HALB and the AJE in improving the quality and affordability of Jewish education," said Avi Muchnick, a spokesperson for Tiferet. "The immediate potential to positively impact 1,700 students is tremendous and would have otherwise taken us many years to accomplish independently."
As part of the transition, Tiferet's students will move to the HALB campus where they will become a part of the HALB student body. Tiferet's blended learning program will be rolled out to select elementary school classes within HALB. Rabbi Avrumi Sacks, Head of School at Tiferet, has been appointed to be Chief Academic Officer of AJE. In that capacity, he will join the HALB administration as a representative of AJE, where he will work with HALB Principal Rabbi Plotkin to institute and support the blended-learning education program inside HALB elementary school.
"While we have been aggressively developing an educational model that incorporates leading technologies, we believe that Rabbi Sack's leadership of this effort within our elementary school and early childhood center will turbo charge our efforts," said Rabbi Plotkin. "I am very excited about the many programs we will be launching with the help of the AJE."
"I'm very excited to work with Rabbi Plotkin and the HALB administration in accelerating the educational growth of their students," said Rabbi Sacks. "HALB is renowned for fostering a warm, lifelong connection with its students, and we are looking forward to being a part of that relationship."
The program specifics will be announced to parents later this year.
Anon · 627 weeks ago
Those who believe that heatid is too big to fail should know that the conversations have already started and it is not hard to see the writing on the wall about which school they will merge with. Heatid parents should probably make their voices heard soon about which of the legacy schools they want to send their kids to now before the decision is made for them.
thatguy · 627 weeks ago
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
Buzzkill914 · 627 weeks ago
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
Buster · 627 weeks ago
The article doesn't say they are switching the whole school. It's going to depend on how this "pilot" goes.
Win all around for HALB. They get the money and resources and kids but don't have to commit to anything.
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
Obvious · 627 weeks ago
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
Obvious · 627 weeks ago
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
Yeshiva_Dad 69p · 627 weeks ago
It comes to about $13K per child plus $2,100 per family.
Tiferet was promising about $10K per child with no family obligations.
It will be interesting to see where they set the new tuition. My guess is that it will be closer to HALB's 2012-2013 tuition. They have the vast majority of the students & change to an existing school will happen very slowly.
Name3 · 627 weeks ago
HALB does have the $2,100 per family but $1,500 is a separate scholarship fee (should be tax-deductible) and if you have 2-3 kids it comes out to approx $700-$1000 per child). HALB is a huge school that probably has some fat. But with so many kids, there are definitely a lot of scholarships to give, so $1,500 per family does not sound unreasonable.
Buster · 627 weeks ago
that they keep tuition at x amount a year?
that they have x amount of school days?
that they enroll x amount of kids?
what are the academic and behaviorial measures of a successful model and education?
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
teaneck · 627 weeks ago
GUEST 3 · 627 weeks ago
guest · 627 weeks ago
GUEST 3 · 627 weeks ago
End Welfare · 627 weeks ago
guest · 627 weeks ago
Buster · 627 weeks ago
The community needs to stop hailing Heatid as the savior for all and also needs to stop bashing the other schools. Statements like the ones above are ridiculous and serve no good.
End Welfare · 627 weeks ago
I couldn't agree more with that statement. I actually applaud Heatid for being honest and saying that their goal is to be able to reach the vast majority of kids but NOT ALL kids.
Name3 · 627 weeks ago
Buster · 627 weeks ago
"Those of you with children of age for Heatidf who don't send there have no one to blame but yoursejavascript: postComment(0);lves. End of story. Now if your children are too old for Heatid then I honestly do feel bad for you."
reality · 627 weeks ago
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
Guest2 · 627 weeks ago
Name3 · 627 weeks ago
Buster · 627 weeks ago
the other school's can't really do the lower PK tuitions....Moriah raised tuition with the older grades and did massive layoffs.
When Yavneh cut pre-k tuition and lowered by $100, it came at the expense of larger class sizes and the elimination of many assistants.
Cutting tuition for PK only is a silly tactic anyway. Parents aren't fooled into choosing yavneh or noam over heatid based on a 1 year discount. seems like BPY is the only school to realize this...
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
High School Dad · 627 weeks ago
GUEST 3 · 627 weeks ago
Julie Wiener · 627 weeks ago
Buster · 627 weeks ago
Blended learning means is a combination of teaching mechanisms that includes some technology. Differentiated learning is def. happening in Noam and Bpy and has been at the core of their philosophies.
I'll give you the calendars have changed.
Lets not pretend that heatid is the greatest educational masterpiece. Just bc gralla is spending time showing his school to the whole world doesn't mean anything.
Give em a few years to see building expense, raises for staff and need for resource staff. They have kids with non-academic issues. "Differentiated" computer programs won't help these kids. Kicking them out kills the efficiency of the model.
Wish they would just be honest that the tuition is artificially set with heavy funding instead of fooling other start ups into believing it is really possible.
Moriah and Bpy had school today too.....
kjp · 627 weeks ago
Unfortunately your writing shows you know little about the school except what you have read feom blogs. Much of heatids differentiation does not take place using conputers. Stop being clueless and just repeating buzzwords and actually learn about the school
Anonymous · 627 weeks ago
nfs · 627 weeks ago
Englewood · 626 weeks ago
S.P. · 627 weeks ago
Englewood · 626 weeks ago
Buster · 627 weeks ago
A) cheap
B) good enough
C) they don't know any better since they were happy in daycare before
My friends with kids there were upset about the report cards. They didn't show that the teachers knew anything about the kids. They had contradictions amongst the check marks and really made them confused.
They are allowed to make mistakes, but again, lets not continue to say things are 100% roses and they are the best thing to happen educationally since the beginning of time.
Gralla's limitations having no educational experience with this age are beginning to show.
Englewood · 626 weeks ago
Kitniyot · 626 weeks ago
He can't see what halb has to gain by this.
Although halb has been loosing kids to ycq since it is cheaper... Maybe halb is looking to compete?
reality · 626 weeks ago
Obviously, joking around a bit, but if things as simple as this got messed up, there must be deeper issues. Painting it as perfection and utopia, but for the financial subsidy, is probably a bit much.
Kitniyot · 626 weeks ago
It is way easier for a teacher to fill out a checklist and have an administrator review than to write 25 anecdotals and proofread and spellcheck.
Parents in at least k and 1 have had experience with anecdotals elsewhere and decided the checklist wasn't acceptable.
RealityCheck · 626 weeks ago
If you want to skimp on education and spend your money on Pesach programs, that's your choice. Just quit fooling yourself that the education is any good.