Friday, June 14, 2013

Kindergarten Graduation

For those who were so concerned, the He'atid Parent Association set up a graduation party for the Kindergarteners next Friday.

Congratulations to the graduates!

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Great compromise. Parents who have to work can get rides for their kids. Not a situation like the school graduations where working parents have to worry their kids will be in school with no one there for them if they cant go.
Sad but true's avatar

Sad but true · 615 weeks ago

Kind of funny when you think about it- it's like making a birthday party when you don't have a birthday. How do you have a party for a graduation when there is no graduation? Regardless, this graduation issue has been a hot topic of debate among the board and Rabbi G among many other issues they are having. There are more cracks in this foundation than at a plumbers convention.
Why would a plumbers convention have cracks in the foundation?
Sad but really true's avatar

Sad but really true · 615 weeks ago

Get a real clue-- 116 kids this year. 109 returning from that group, and looks like 190+ for next year. Most, if not all of the parent body, think that Rabbi Gralla has been an incredible Head of School. And parents are very proud to be part of what happened in He'Atid's first year.
I think there are a lot of issues/cracks in YOUR foundation.
"Most, if not all of the parent body, think that Rabbi Gralla has been an incredible Head of School."

Rabbi Gralla could wipe the floor with the pretenders running the other Yeshivas. None of them are a close second. He actually looks at you in the eye when he talks to you. Can't say that about a certain other head of school(s) know who I am talking about.
HeAtid is sacraficing quality for price. That's OK if you want to scrafice your child to save a few bucks but at least be honest about it.
1 reply · active 615 weeks ago
Really? Cause YNJ is known for its innovative learning?? Tell me about their innovation compared to Yavneh, Moriah, BPY, Noam and He'atid - every single other school in BC. No ipad use, very little computer use, mostly frontal learning, very little differentiation. Its the school of the 20th century! .
"HeAtid is sacraficing quality for price." Judging by the quality of the Rabbi in charge of He'Atid, I strongly beg to differ. I don't want to and won't call out names, but a certain individual at the school of which you are a "Fan" couldn't hold a candle on his best day to R' Gralla. If you don't believe me, just have them both in the same room at the same time and think who would you want your son to grow up and emulate? End of story......
1 reply · active 614 weeks ago
Day School Dad's avatar

Day School Dad · 614 weeks ago

It's really not true...

I don't think parents (maybe SOME, but definitely not ALL, or even MOST parents) are sacrificing their kids for $. That's pretty harsh...the truth is, you can have amazing admins, but if you have a sucky teacher- it doesn't matter where you send your kids- and yes, the roshei yeshivot are their leaders and set the tone, but I don't think Gralla is a bad guy or that he's running a crappy school. And yes, you can argue that He'Atid wouldn't survive if it had the same tuition as the other schools, and you can say that it's full because it's cheap...But if parents had a bad experience, why would they return? It's like going to a restaurant and getting really, really sick, then have the manager apologize and offer you a free meal- I don't know about you, but I don't want a free meal from a place I got sick from. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to return to a school that was bad, just because it's cheap; I think people really love it. I think if if were a bad school more than 90% of kids would be returning, with tons and tons more joining.

And not for nothing, I'm certain that other day schools's board/principals aren't always on the same page. It's not just He'Atid.
YNJ has the best teachers by far! HeAtid has hired also-rans who couldn't get jobs anywhere else. And many parents at HeAtid don't cover their hair - I don't want my child associated with those kids.
1 reply · active 614 weeks ago
What's Going On's avatar

What's Going On · 614 weeks ago

Several of my colleagues have LEFT (not been fired- you can believe what people tell you, but yeah...I wouldn't believe everything you hear) other dayschools for various reasons..salary, personal reasons, etc....He'Atid had tons of applicants...THEY had to turn applications away.,
"And many parents at HeAtid don't cover their hair - I don't want my child associated with those kids."

I don't know how to react to this comment because I'm not sure if you are serious or a troll. I strongly suspect the latter, but please let me know if you are actually serious.
1 reply · active 615 weeks ago
I suspect the latter as well. Let's not get all worked up about that comment please.
"And many parents at HeAtid don't cover their hair - I don't want my child associated with those kids."

Even worse, I bet some of the fathers don't wear jackets to shul on Shabbos. :)
I'm not a troll. Why would I want to send my kids to a school where so many women violate a black and white halacha?
Frum and Honest's avatar

Frum and Honest · 615 weeks ago

It's nice to know people live in such fantasy worlds and lie on blogs. The truth is that many parents have serious issues with Rabbi Graller, there were a ton of arguments about graduation and there are much bigger issues ahead on things like standardized testing. Many have called him a puppet for one of the 2 presidents of the school and others have directly confronted him on inconsistencies. All is not well in Utopia but don't take my word for it. Speak to the board members who will tell you the truth. A Gutten Shabbos!
1 reply · active 615 weeks ago
And at every other JDS, parents have no complaints at all with any teachers or admins, right?

Also, I'm sure that "many" means 1.
Frum and Honest - who are the two presidents of He'atid and which Board Members should I ask so that I get the 'truth?"
Moriah parent's avatar

Moriah parent · 615 weeks ago

Frum and Honest-- you are neither and quite disgusting if you ask me. I am not a He'Atid parent, but a long time Englewood resident (kids go to Moriah). I have known Abby for years, and have gotten to know her co-president Ian, you will not find two classier and dedicated people around. And you may want to learn the spelling of their Head of School as well, since you are so in the know.
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago
get a grip's avatar

get a grip · 611 weeks ago

if only you knew....
Frum and Honest's avatar

Frum and Honest · 615 weeks ago

Moriah Parent- I question your education level and suggest you join your children in Moriah for a reading comprehension class. I don't know Abby or Ian (for the record that answers Will's question) but I have heard wonderful things about them. My comment was about Rabbi Gralla (happy now) being called a puppet for one of them. To explain this to those readers that lack basic reading comprehension, this is not a knock on them, it is a knock on what parents think about their head of school. If you read and understood the comment chain above you would see that there were comments about how wonderful he was and he was the Moshiach and candles couldnt be held to him and so my post was to write the facts and not more fluff. Is Rabbi Gralla wonderful? Who Knows? But is he Moshiach? Seems to me that there are those on the baord and in the school that don't think so. Understand my post now? I wish you and your family a gutten shabbos.
1 reply · active 615 weeks ago
well not really- it doesn't speak very well of someone if they are willing to use someone else as a puppet - especially a Rabbi and a principal of a school. It means they are controlling his every move, not letting him think for himself and basically not letting him function as he should as principal. So which one is doing that? Ian or Abby? Seems to me that Moriah parent understood quite well what you wrote.
"Based on the comments here, I wouldn't want to send my child to either HeAtid or RYNJ."

Avi - Why would you base your decision on where to send your kids on what anonymous people post on this blog?
Bring back the hebrew charter!
Sorry Shalom. You have to move to Harlem for that.
Morah Mommy's avatar

Morah Mommy · 614 weeks ago

YNJ Fan- far be it from me to tell you how to live your life or raise your children, but I'm a kindergarten teacher at one of the local dayschools and WOW...I can't believe that "hats" and "learning Torah" are all that matter! My colleagues and I work super-hard to ensure the kids learn EVERYTHING: from general to Judaic studies; Ivrit, chagim, ahavat yisrael, love of torah along with math, science, reading, etc...but above all (at least in MY class) we learn how to be GOOD PEOPLE. How to share, how to be a mench, how to be caring and behave nicely, how to be kind and show good midos....

I don't know WHAT goes on at YNJ, but sorry, as a frum educator-- learning Torah is NOT the most or only important thing. It's for sure paramount, but learning to function in society, being a good person (even to non-Jews! GASP! THE HORROR!) trump all. Furthermore, I'd rather see my kids learn to read a bit later than be rude little people who are disrespectful. Good values, in my opinion as a mother and morah, are above all.
I know tuition is a hot topic but I wish that was my complaint now. What's a parent to do when the Yeshivas say we don't want your kid? What happened to the days when schools figured out what to do with every kind of kid. There was the class with the lower expectations so every child could succeed and stay in Jewish School. Now it seems if a child is not perfect the school can wipe their hands clean and say go to public school, get a costly shadow or go to a special ed Jewish program which costs mega bucks. Super frustrating when the kid is not special needs but just learns a little differently or needs more time to mature. Anyone share this frustration.

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