Monday, December 31, 2012

Get Your Tax Deductions In

Less than 10 hours left to help solve the tuition crisis while simultaneously reducing your tax base for 2012.  Give to NNJKIDS to helps all of the local Yeshiva Day Schools or to AJE to help fund the "affordable" blended learning schools popping up all over.

Or give directly to the schools. Hopefully they will use the funds to keep tuition from rising and not to fund a third teacher in each Kindergarten class.  Fortunately they all have web pages making it very easy for anyone with a credit card to give.

Here are the links for the JDS's in BC:

Ben Porat Yosef

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Although we are honored to be mentioned in this, it turns out that your "AJE" link actually links to JEP, which is also a worthwhile cause but is not us. Unfortunately our website is currently under construction. If anyone would like to donate to AJE or otherwise get in touch with us, please feel free to contact us at
Sorry about that. Links to that email address now
Just saying's avatar

Just saying · 638 weeks ago

YD, your swipe at the schools is a bit gratuitous. Why not point out that you hope He'Atid won't use the funds to increase their $2,000 subsidy of tuition for middle class families? And with all due respect to AJE why should people send funds to AJE to be used to create low cost schools in other communities when there is still a need in our community (and presumably He'Atid is fully funded given the millions they have raised to date).

I meant that seriously. I hope they use donation money to reduce costs not to increase expenses. I think that they started taking the tuition crisis seriously in the past few years & I don't want them to revert back to the old formula of raising prices every year because they don't want to sacrifice anything.

As far as why to fund AJE I would say that if you feel that sustaining the day school model is important for the future of Orthodox Judaism in America than it's a worthwhile cause. If there is someone out there who is already donating to the local community and can afford to also help out other communities I think that's a good thing. Keep in mind that He'atid got off the ground in part because of AJE & OU donors from across the river so perhaps we can return the favor.
Teaneck Forever's avatar

Teaneck Forever · 638 weeks ago

I think all Heatid parents should donate at least half of their tuitopn savings to either NNJKIDS or AJE. Think this will evr happen?

1 reply · active 638 weeks ago
Heatid is already asking their parents to donate their tuition savings to them - at least they'll get tax write off on it.
End Welfare's avatar

End Welfare · 638 weeks ago

Donate to NNJKIDS so that my money get funneled to legacy yeshivas???? I think I'll pass.
Happy to be saving's avatar

Happy to be saving · 638 weeks ago

You are all assuming that there is "tuition savings". It could very well be that by sending to He'atid, parents are able to just eek out the $9K, and the "savings" is not having to go on scholarship at a different school.
yes, I am assuming. Most of the people I know at Heatid could fairly easily afford tuition for at least 1 kid at a legacy .... therefore, they are saving.
End Welfare's avatar

End Welfare · 638 weeks ago

"Most of the people I know at Heatid could fairly easily afford tuition for at least 1 kid at a legacy .... therefore, they are saving."

We must definitely know very different people at Heatid then.......
ahavat chesed's avatar

ahavat chesed · 638 weeks ago

"Donate to NNJKIDS so that my money get funneled to legacy yeshivas???? I think I'll pass. "

Great attitude. I don't send my kids to Heatid. Next time they ask me for a donation, I'll be sure to pass and tell them to look you up. Thanks for the advice.
Nnjkids has largely been a failure.... It's like they've fallen off the earth. Does anyone still give to them or think about them? They have no campaign. And guess who started that initiative....
1 reply · active 638 weeks ago
Just Asking's avatar

Just Asking · 638 weeks ago

"And guess who started that initiative...."

"HE" didn't start it and maybe it wouldn't be where it is if "HE" didn't leave to focus on starting an affordable Yeshiva.
Teaneck Forever's avatar

Teaneck Forever · 638 weeks ago

"Does anyone still give to them (NNJKIDS) or think about them?"

I give money to NNJKIDS each month. I sincerely hope that people like "End Welfare" are not representative of Heatid. Having lived in teaneck a long time, I know he is not representative of all the great and charitable people I have met here in Teaneck.

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