Thursday, April 25, 2013

Moriah Town Hall Session

Moriah had a "Town Hall Session" on Monday to discuss the recent changes they've made to keep tuition flat for this coming year.  There's another one tonight at 8:00.

Here's what one reader wrote about the session Monday night:

" was great! They are working incredibly hard to achieve tuition sustainability. They are eliminating the multi child discount and raising the income level for which one can receive an abatement. This way it will be more of a needs based discount instead of an across the board discount. They were giving an AVERAGE of 78% discount to faculty members. The highest other school is Ramaz at 60% cap. Noam and Yavneh are 50% and 40% respectively. They are moving to a 60% cap. They recognize the shrinking enrollment but it's not necessarily a problem if they budget correctly for it. They are also moving to improve the morale."
"Also they reduced the number of administrators which is drastically reducing their salary expense."

Yasher Koach to Moriah for making the hard but, unfortunately, necessary decisions to stop the annual rises in tuition that their parents had become accustomed to.

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High School Dad's avatar

High School Dad · 622 weeks ago

Bid deal. They are still over $15k and He'Atid is providing even better quality at $9k!
2 replies · active 622 weeks ago
What metric are you using to substantiate a claim of "better quality"?
Nonsense! It doesn't cost $9,000. The real cost is $15,000 just like everyone else.
End Welfare's avatar

End Welfare · 622 weeks ago

HSD - I agree. In fact, I was recently talking to person who pointed out how it would be cheaper for a teacher to send to Heatid than it would be to send to [Legacy school] even with the discount the legacy school grants to teachers. How sad is that!!!
I am a big fan of heatid but the education doesn't cover all grades yet. Older students have to go somewhere else. Moriah is cutting admin and lowering tuition. They are doing it because they were forced to due to lack of enrollment and debt but it seems they are taking it seriously and doing a good job. Moriah is a largely englewood school. The parents mostly dont want to send outside of englewood -it is socially a problem for them and frankly many teaneck parents have a different hashkafa and dont necessarily want those kids in their schools. It is good for englewood to have a financially stable school
Kjp - agreed with your post till I got to "TEaneck parents...don't necessarily want those kids in their schools" . what an unforturnate way to talk about fellow Jewish children. There is no difference in Hashkafa between Englewoo and Teaneck Jews.
Just Saying's avatar

Just Saying · 622 weeks ago

Has Heatid published the results of testing on its students that indicate that it is providing a better education than any other school? Last I had heard they weren't able to even get accurate report cards out. Does anyone have any facts to prove better quality or is this just more hype?
Enough Days off's avatar

Enough Days off · 622 weeks ago

etm - what planet are you on ? There is a huge difference in hashkafa between Englewood and Teaneck Jews. There are kids at moriah who do not come from Shomer Shabbat homes, eat out "vegetarian", whose parents dress very immodestly, the list goes on. Are there families like that in the other schools - I guess some- but it's much more prevalant in Englewood. With so many schools to choose from, why would I send my Teaneck kids to Moriah???
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
End Welfare's avatar

End Welfare · 622 weeks ago

"There are kids at moriah who do not come from Shomer Shabbat homes, eat out "vegetarian", whose parents dress very immodestly, the list goes on."

Well than surely these Moriah individuals you are slandering are worse people than the kid at YNJ who wears a jacket during davening and whose Mom covers her elbows......

Somebody please tell me what I did wrong to have been born into this crazy religion!!!!
Anyone's who's been to a Moriah Bat Mitzvah can attest to the fact that they are a bit to the left of the other BC MO schools. Just as anyone who's been the YNJ's beit medrash can attest that they are a little to the right. This is not a criticism or anything to be ashames or embarrassed about. It's a GOOD thing that there is a big selection of yeshiva day schools in the area. The big selection of schools, shuls and kosher restaurants make this area a big draw for MO families.

The fact that there is now a selection of educational models in the area is good too. He'atid may not be for everyone but we're lucky to at least have the option for those who want it. For those who don't there are still another 5 orthodox yeshiva day schools in the area, some a little to the left, some a bit to the right.

Would you agree with the statement that generally men are taller than women or would the existence of exceptions negate the rule?
ok then what is the reason that very few Teaneck kids go to Moriah? Years ago they were shut out, but there certainly is room now - and the education is supposed to be fine /on par with other schools . .. .
i just dont agree with you - we can say that there is a range in the Teaneck schools in obsrevance, but Moriah as a whole, and Englewood, tends to be to the left of all of them - in terms of level of observance. I agree it might have started out from a sense of resentment or siblings - but it was years ago and there are many new teaneck families who didnt' have children in the school system then who just wont send to Moriah. Social is part of it - but hashkafa and what is referred to as the Englewood mentaility (fancier, wealthier, more materialistic) is also part of it. You and others can decide if that is a put down -or instead just a statement, as YD said, of people holding different ways. For me - it is not bad or good - I just believe that hashkafa currently plays a major role in parents not being willing to send there.
no - it isn't a notion of religious belief - in my reply i wrote about social reasons also playing a role
So i have heard quite a few people speak about the hashkafa and the religiosity of the parent body as a reason not to send - that is why I posted what i did - i didn't make it up - i took it from what people have told me as to why they wont send to the school.
End Welfare's avatar

End Welfare · 622 weeks ago

There are people who wear black hats and molest kids. Why all the focus on stupid externals all the time?
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago

No shortage of scandals from people wearing srugim in BC
ha - not sure - my only point is that i do believe that hashgafa plays a role in why many people wont send to the school
Teaneck parents arent choosing Moriah because "no one else goes." Hashkafically Yavneh and Moriah, and the parent bodies, are VERY similar. Both are "to the left" of YNJ and possibly Noam. But using external (and imo BS) criteria like pants wearing, type of simcha, eating out... you will find little difference between Yavneh & Moriah
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
you really think that Moriah is only 'possibly' to the left of Noam??? ok - i guess Teaneck is large enough that i talk to many different parents than Daniel Rosen and Guest do
if moriah cost significantly less than yavneh i would send there but if it costs the same or more whats the point when all my kids friends go to yavneh.
Finally an unbiased piece by someone with real experience.
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
Real experience at what? I'll pass on "Rabbi" Shira's opinion.
Just Saying's avatar

Just Saying · 622 weeks ago

The bold initiative quoted in this article which is supported by the people behind Heatid states that the savings potential is $1,000 per student. Heatid claims that they are realizing savings many times that amount because of their new educational approach. Once again raises the questions of what Heatid parents are giving up. Certainly blended learning is not the reason why the tuition is so low.
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
End Welfare's avatar

End Welfare · 622 weeks ago

"Once again raises the questions of what Heatid parents are giving up."

Fair question. Heatid parents are giving up numerous things including (1) building funds; (2) journal fees; (3) dinner fees; (4) security fees; (5) registration fees. I could keep going if you would like me to......
Just Saying's avatar

Just Saying · 622 weeks ago

That's a rather trite answer to a fairly serious question. We are after all talking about the education of children which for many of us is important. I would think all Heatid parents would like to have a serious answer that goes beyond 'yay, we aren't paying fees'. In all the promotional material for Heatid the focus is on blended learning as the way to lower cost and not lose out on quality. The BOLD initiative indicates blended learning should save about $1,000 per child. Where does the rest of the savings come from?
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
Potential overall operating reductions of 25 percent
Are you a heatid parent ? What makes you think they dont have the answers just cause you dont ?
Btw I am a heatid parent. I have the answers I need. How patronizing of you to think that you are the only one who can do proper research on a school just because you dont send your kids to heatid. This might come as a surprise to you since you appear to know very little about the school. But the parents I know visited the school. Took a tour. Went to the open houses. Spoke to the principal. They dont need some annonymous fool on a blog asking questions on their behalf. And no I wont share what I know with you. If you want more info call the school or talk to a board member.
Just Saying's avatar

Just Saying · 622 weeks ago

kjp - name calling is very unbecoming. Perhaps there is someone else who can provide an answer.
Don't take offense. I was just saying.
Just Saying's avatar

Just Saying · 622 weeks ago

No offense. I can understand that it must be difficult to respond to these basic questions given the absence of any supporting data or logic so it is just easier to lash out at the one asking the question.

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