Moriah had a "Town Hall Session" on Monday to discuss the recent changes they've made to keep tuition flat for this coming year. There's another one tonight at 8:00.
Here's what one reader wrote about the session Monday night:
" was great! They are working incredibly hard to achieve tuition sustainability. They are eliminating the multi child discount and raising the income level for which one can receive an abatement. This way it will be more of a needs based discount instead of an across the board discount. They were giving an AVERAGE of 78% discount to faculty members. The highest other school is Ramaz at 60% cap. Noam and Yavneh are 50% and 40% respectively. They are moving to a 60% cap. They recognize the shrinking enrollment but it's not necessarily a problem if they budget correctly for it. They are also moving to improve the morale."
"Also they reduced the number of administrators which is drastically reducing their salary expense."
Yasher Koach to Moriah for making the hard but, unfortunately, necessary decisions to stop the annual rises in tuition that their parents had become accustomed to.
High School Dad · 622 weeks ago
thatguy · 622 weeks ago
get real · 622 weeks ago
End Welfare · 622 weeks ago
kjp · 622 weeks ago
etm · 622 weeks ago
Just Saying · 622 weeks ago
Isaac Shalev · 622 weeks ago
Enough Days off · 622 weeks ago
End Welfare · 622 weeks ago
Well than surely these Moriah individuals you are slandering are worse people than the kid at YNJ who wears a jacket during davening and whose Mom covers her elbows......
Somebody please tell me what I did wrong to have been born into this crazy religion!!!!
Yeshiva_Dad 69p · 622 weeks ago
The fact that there is now a selection of educational models in the area is good too. He'atid may not be for everyone but we're lucky to at least have the option for those who want it. For those who don't there are still another 5 orthodox yeshiva day schools in the area, some a little to the left, some a bit to the right.
Daniel Rosen · 622 weeks ago
I have been to YNJ bat mitzvah's which smack of being quite to the left of other YNJ bat mitzvahs, and to the left of bat mitzvahs I have attended of students at other local yeshivot. I even threw one. And I have been in the beit medrash of a number of different schools and found no substantial difference -- each school had kids who were engrossed and those who weren't. And often, the engrossed students weren't the ones from the expected families.
There is a wide range of observance and belief among Teaneck families. Broad, geographical generalizations which attempt to characterize a school's hashkafa by summarizing one person's assessment of a mass of people's disparate beliefs are doomed to fail.
Are their more kids whose parents own black hats in one school vs. another? Maybe. But there are plenty of people in black hats whose personal belief and practice make me uncomfortable. And mine, no doubt, make others wonder. Do we benefit from these silly over-statements about one town's families vs. another? Communities are made of individuals. There is no township Terms of Use that one must sign onto the dictate religious behavior. In each community there are shuls, and neighborhoods and cliques and circles, each with its own particular bent.
Yeshiva_Dad 69p · 622 weeks ago
Would you agree with the statement that generally men are taller than women or would the existence of exceptions negate the rule?
Daniel Rosen · 622 weeks ago
S.P. · 622 weeks ago
Daniel Rosen · 622 weeks ago
Daniel Rosen · 622 weeks ago
S.P. · 622 weeks ago
Daniel Rosen · 622 weeks ago
I know in my community what drives people's decision to send away from Moriah is mostly inertia. All the kids go elsewhere so the wish for playdates with local kids who are friends from school makes Moriah a less attractive choice.
I have yet to hear, in my 15 or so years here, anyone use hashkafa or the religiosity of the parent body as a reason not to send to Moriah.
S.P. · 622 weeks ago
So i have heard quite a few people speak about the hashkafa and the religiosity of the parent body as a reason not to send - that is why I posted what i did - i didn't make it up - i took it from what people have told me as to why they wont send to the school.
Daniel Rosen · 622 weeks ago
End Welfare · 622 weeks ago
Yeshiva_Dad 69p · 622 weeks ago
No shortage of scandals from people wearing srugim in BC
S.P. · 622 weeks ago
Guest · 622 weeks ago
S.P. · 622 weeks ago
teaneck · 622 weeks ago
Truth · 622 weeks ago
B G · 622 weeks ago
Just Saying · 622 weeks ago
End Welfare · 622 weeks ago
Fair question. Heatid parents are giving up numerous things including (1) building funds; (2) journal fees; (3) dinner fees; (4) security fees; (5) registration fees. I could keep going if you would like me to......
Just Saying · 622 weeks ago
kjp · 622 weeks ago
kjp · 622 weeks ago
kjp · 622 weeks ago
Just Saying · 622 weeks ago
kjp · 622 weeks ago
Just Saying · 622 weeks ago