Trying to bring sanity to the discussion of Yeshiva Day School tuition in Bergen County, NJ
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Yavneh Building Renovation
As I've stated before, I don't really buy that these projects don't affect the tuition price. The "sizeable pledges" could be geared towards operations & not to big vanity projects.
Posted by
Yeshiva Dad
7:42 PM
Yavneh Building Renovation
Yeshiva Dad
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Monday, May 21, 2012
Yavneh Reduces Scholarship Allocation

We should all realize that when we call for schools to freeze or lower tuition it often means that those who can least afford it have to sacrifice a little more. But the fact of the matter is that very few of us can afford any increases.
Other schools are considering deferring some obligations rather than simply writing them off, in the hopes that some parents will be able to make the payments in the future when they are in better financial situations. That's also a good idea though I doubt too many parents will make those payments in the future especially if their kids graduate before their situations improve.
While asking for all of this documentation (W-2's, mortgage statements, etc.) is necessary, I think the schools really need to visit the houses of the people applying. Papers don't always tell the whole story. They should see how people are actually living. I think for the amount of money we are talking about its worth the investment in manpower.
Posted by
Yeshiva Dad
5:25 PM
Yavneh Reduces Scholarship Allocation
Yeshiva Dad
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Friday, May 18, 2012
Update on He'atid Teachers and Buses
Looks like He'atid hired some teachers after all!
Shabbat Shalom!
Posted by
Yeshiva Dad
6:39 PM
Update on He'atid Teachers and Buses
Yeshiva Dad
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Thursday, May 10, 2012
Goldbergs calculation for RYNJ
A reader sent me the calculation below for the Goldbergs attending YNJ. They haven't posted 2012-2013 tuition on their website yet (nor has Yavneh for some reason) so I'll assume his numbers are correct.
[Cue the guy who always complains about their jacket policy]
[Cue the guy who always complains about their jacket policy]
...they have announced that fees will be unchanged except for the reduction in early childhood fees previously announced.
I would project 2012-2013 at $38,230.
The 2011-2012 total is $38,930 and the pre-k tuition has been reduced from $9,200 to $8,500 in 2012-2013. The other fees should be the same, although they may still increase lunch.
For 2011-2012
pre-k | 9,200 |
2nd | 11,430 |
5th | 11,560 |
re-reg child 1 | 950 |
re-reg child 2 | 950 |
application child 1 | 850 |
security | 400 |
dinner obligation | 850 |
bldg fund (year 6) | 1,000 |
lunch for 3 kids | 1,740 |
total | 38,930 |
Posted by
Yeshiva Dad
4:44 PM
Goldbergs calculation for RYNJ
Yeshiva Dad
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Teaneck: Don't forget to vote!
We all love to complain about high tuition, high property taxes, etc. Now's our chance to actually try and help our situation. It's going to be a close one and in the rain the turnout will probably be low.
If you don't know how to vote, please ask around or read the candidates statements online and decide for yourselves which ones seem concerned with issues that affect the YDS community. We asked the candidates to respond to some questions about these issues and got responses from Barbara Toffler and Alexander Rashin.
Polls open 6am-8pm. Please check your polling location (some of them changed recently) by going to the Division of Elections website.
If you don't know how to vote, please ask around or read the candidates statements online and decide for yourselves which ones seem concerned with issues that affect the YDS community. We asked the candidates to respond to some questions about these issues and got responses from Barbara Toffler and Alexander Rashin.
Polls open 6am-8pm. Please check your polling location (some of them changed recently) by going to the Division of Elections website.
Posted by
Yeshiva Dad
6:34 AM
Teaneck: Don't forget to vote!
Yeshiva Dad
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Friday, May 4, 2012
Heatid Announces Schedule
As Gershon promised, there will be school on Erev Shavuot and Election Day. I've never heard a good explanation why either of those should be days off.
Teacher training is BEFORE school starts not in the middle of the year. & no more early dismissals for parent-teacher conferences either the day before or after.
All told its 178 school days which is more than any of the existing JDS's but still 2 days less than the public schools. We just need to put in 2 days of Chol Hamoed Succot & we'll be there!
Impressive that they are able to have more days while still keeping the costs way down. Hope they can keep it up!
Posted by
Yeshiva Dad
5:34 PM
Heatid Announces Schedule
Yeshiva Dad
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Thursday, May 3, 2012
Back to the "Goldbergs"
I didn't get any more responses from Teaneck Council candidates so I'm back to talking about the "Goldbergs" a hypothetical typical family of 5 from Teaneck attending one of the local Yeshiva Day schools. Yeshivat Noam put their 2012/2013 tuition/fee schedule on the web & I linked to it on the side. Yavneh still didn't but it's scanned in below (after the jump). So far I figured the breakdown is as follows for what this family would pay at the various local Jewish Day Schools:
JEC $33,500
Yavneh $39,775
Noam $46,625
BPY $47,315
Solomon Schechter easily wins first prize at a whopping $55,800!
Still waiting on Moriah, RYNJ and JFS to publish their schedules. If anyone has them please send them to me.
Of course if He'atid makes good on its commitment to keep prices constant (just adjusting for inflation), in 2016 a "Goldberg" family would be paying $25,970 in 2012 dollars.
Posted by
Yeshiva Dad
2:39 PM
Back to the "Goldbergs"
Yeshiva Dad
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Candidate for Teaneck Council, Dr. Alexander Rashin Responds
[Note: Dr. Rashin grew up in the former Soviet Union and English is not his first language. Please excuse any grammatical errors.]
Dear Yeshivadad,
I don't know whether you put length limits on answers.
I'll try to be brief but will include extra explanations that I feel necessary.
I would appreciate if you publish them in full to avoid a distorted picture.
If you would find necessary to cut something, get back to me to clarify possible misinterpretations.
I'll start with a general statement and then insert my answers to individual questions in your text below.
I don't know whether you put length limits on answers.
I'll try to be brief but will include extra explanations that I feel necessary.
I would appreciate if you publish them in full to avoid a distorted picture.
If you would find necessary to cut something, get back to me to clarify possible misinterpretations.
I'll start with a general statement and then insert my answers to individual questions in your text below.
You are right: it is not a municipal election topic especially when school
elections are moved to November and the BOE budget is out of
taxpayers' control. However, you have a right to know my general views on education.
Because you apparently are religious (which is your 1st Amendment right) I'll
sometimes invoke religious terms in my answers.
The only justification for any system of education is giving the best possible
education to every Teaneck child. The primary judge of what is the best for your child - are you.
However, as a religious person, you might understand that every given to us bit
of true knowledge about the immense Creation carries a message from
the Creator. Therefore you need to provide your child with the best currently
available factual knowledge about the world we live in and about
ourselves. And you should not ban any best knowledge revealed by
the Creator about his work.
Rambam tells in the Guide to the Perplexed that one cannot serve
G-d best if he does not know physics.
And physics cannot be understood without mathematics. And now
here comes molecular biology etc.
These revelations do not stop, which I can attest to as a
working scientist. Kids differ in their ability to master these subjects. Here
come computerized objective testing whether they learned their best.
If they did - your primary judgment was correct
and keep trusting your primary judgment. If not - consult
someone you trust, and try something else.
Courtesy bussing for private schools. Do you favor keeping it even in
times of fiscal austerity?
Answer: it's not "courtesy" - each Teaneck child has
the same right to equally adequate services. If in bad times cuts come - they
should be equal for all.
2. Charter
schools – do you think a virtual charter could be based in
Teaneck? (Obviously the cost of it would have to be borne by all the
municipalities where the students come from and not just Teaneck)
Answer: I do not see why not. Luckily we do not have a
government monopoly on educating (and often brainwashing) children.
Public (and private) schools can compete by providing the same
virtual education as an option.
3. What
about charter schools with Hebrew immersion or other languages?
Answer: Absolutely fine with me - you have a right to choose,
many choices - are good, and competition can increase quality and reduce costs.
4. Do
you support vouchers in general? (Not really a Teaneck issue but as
a local politician State & Federal officials may seek your input)
Answer: I do. There is one problem, most Teaneck residents do
not realize. Residents, who send their children to private schools
significantly reduce property taxes on the entire Teaneck population. If
they all would send their children to Teaneck public schools, we would need
more school buildings, more teachers, more supplies. That would require
large additional taxes. Therefore as it is (acknowledging a very high financial
burden on private school parents) we all should be heartily grateful to the
private school parents (one member of BOE agreed with this assessment; another
objected that more kids in public schools is alike a mass production that would
decrease costs. As if kids are mass produced cheap TVs). Universal introduction
of vouchers would dramatically change the situation and could be sustainable
(not bankrupting taxpayers) only if
each voucher is significantly less costly than the full current
price of education per student. Still such smaller
vouchers might shrink public schools with their exorbitant costs per student
(and therefore associated taxes) and partially alleviate the double burden on
private school parents.
5. There
was a bill in the NJ legislature (A238) that would reinstate $7M in non-public
school technology aid to NJ school districts that was cut from the state budget
in 2010. Would you support a bill like that?
Answer: I would support it if it will not bankrupt the State or
its taxpaying population, and if there is a system of checks that technology is
used effectively.
I taught at schools where kids mainly played games on school
provided computers or pulled them apart.
Thank you very much
for taking the time to respond to my questions.
Dr. Alex Rashin
Posted by
Yeshiva Dad
8:11 AM
Candidate for Teaneck Council, Dr. Alexander Rashin Responds
Yeshiva Dad
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Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Councilwoman Toffler Responds
Below is the exchange I had with Dr. Barbara Ley Toffler, who is running for re-election to the Teaneck town council. See my letter to all the candidates that I posted yesterday. I'm not commenting on the response - I think you can all make your own determination on where the Councilwoman stands on these issues.
Please be respectful. I'm turning on moderation for this post.
YD (wish I knew your name, Always more comfortable to write to real person!)
I think your questions fall under the broad category of
distributive justice. How do we distribute limited resources among a wide range
of stakeholders. For such questions I like to think about the philosopher John
Rawls “Theory of Distributive Justice” which addresses many questions about the
“fairest,” most just way of giving out limited supplies of what is needed.
For example, Rawls’ theory was used to develop the triage plan
for rescuing battlefield injured. While for most of us
the answer for who to rescue first would be: the most severely injured, the
actual triage guideline is to rescue the most severely injured who are likely
to survive if they receive early medical intervention. The most severely
injured who will die no matter what, are to be left til later.
Another example is research funds. If any granting institution
were to say that they will divide monies equally among all proposals, chances
are no one would receive sufficient money to get the research done. Thus
criteria are set, and distribution is done by those criteria, leaving some
worthy recipients empty-handed.
And of course there are situations where equality is the just
decision. As I used to talk about with my children: How should all the ice
cream in the world be divided up. Answer (tho not usually from them) is:
Equally!! (each of the kids would say “so I get the most!”)
Where am I going with this? The key to effecting the
Rawls’ theory is his concept of the “original veil.” As a decision-maker, one
must put oneself behind an original veil, i.e. one must think of oneself as NOT
YET BORN: not knowing what your race, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic
status, country of birth, etc. will be. Then – look at your distributive
question, and decide what criteria for a just decision you would set NOT
KNOWING who you would be.
Would be interesting for a group of
us to sit together and tackle your questions behind the original veil.
Best regards,
YD: Barbara,
Thank you for an interesting and
thought provoking response. I apologize for writing under a pseudonym.
Please understand that as a moderator of a blog where controversial and
often emotionally charged issues are discussed I really need to keep my identity
I understand making decisions under
the principle of the "original veil", I just don't know if people
should vote under that principle. In other words should they vote having
in mind the interests of all of humanity? Or should they have in mind
their own interests and allow democracy to select the candidate who represents
the interests of the most individuals. Regardless of how people
"should" vote we all know that most people choose the latter.
All that aside, simply on the basis
of fairness we need to ask whether or not the public subsidy of education
should at least in part be available to those who choose to send their children
to a religious school (though certainly we wouldn't expect the public to fund
the religious studies). So I'm asking you what your opinion is on that.
If you choose not to answer I understand. But I think it's fair of
voters to ask the question.
Finally I just want to confirm that
you are ok with me making this conversation public on the web.
Thank you again
for your time.
TOFFLER: Certainly you may make our
conversation public on the web. When I was young, I desperately wanted to
attend a private school for children in the performing arts. My cousin was a
successful child actress and attended one such school. My parents would have
none of it. They believed in public education, period, I could take drama
and dance lessons (or religious, art or swimming classes) after school. Doesn't
exactly answer your question, I know. Have a good Shabbos.
Posted by
Yeshiva Dad
8:32 AM
Councilwoman Toffler Responds
Yeshiva Dad
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