Ok, more like 80 by my count. [Anyone know how Phineas and Ferb got 104?] I understand that kids need a break from learning but 2 weeks should be more than enough to rest their fragile little brains. If we had school through the summer maybe we could shave a couple of years off the education part of our lives & spend a bigger portion being productive. As it is now many people are in some form of school until age 25 & then retire at 62 & live till 80. So that's less than half of our lives being productive. And we are competing with countries like China that have school through mid-July with much of the rest of summer vacation taking summer classes or studying for entrance exams.
Anyhoo, I'm glad at least the "School of the Future" is taking a small step in the right direction by starting classes today rather than tomorrow as the other YDS's are. Yasher Koach to the teachers and staff for working hard last week to get everything ready so we don't need to waste more days with the kids at home watching cartoons or staring at their ipods. Especially now that all camps and mini-camps are over.
By tonight we should find out if we have in BC the Greatest Educational Model ever created or the biggest train wreck since the Shalom Academy Charter School. Or just a normal modern orthodox Pre-K to 1st grade. I'm thinking that 3rd option is most likely. Teachers have said that the computer-based learning will be phased in after the chagim. And this recent article in the Jewish Standard quotes the Principal, Rabbi Gralla as saying that "he expects first graders to spend 20 minutes a day on the computers for English or math. (Younger students will use them less.)" So it's a pretty small component of the day & doesn't seem to be a major cost-saver. Perhaps in the older grades, which are more costly to run, there will be more Blended Learning which will result in cost savings, though I still haven't gotten a good explanation of how.
Good luck and G-d bless to He'atid and BPY today!
To the parents and staff of the other schools, enjoy isru chag Labor Day! Thank you for those who are working hard setting up the classrooms. Good luck and G-d bless tomorrow!
Trying to bring sanity to the discussion of Yeshiva Day School tuition in Bergen County, NJ
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
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104 Days of Summer Vacation
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End Welfare · 655 weeks ago
JS (hello) · 655 weeks ago
I don't understand why the schools and camps don't coordinate their schedules so that schools start after the chagim and run later into July. In other words, start school this year October 10 (or October 15 if you want a Monday) and run camps and mini-camps till that point. Instead of ending school in June, go another 3 weeks.
You'd have uninterrupted learning when the kids go back to school instead of this joke of a month when the kids are in and out of school every other day. Plus, the camps/mini-camps are all Jewish camps anyways for the most part, what does it matter when camp starts or ends?
Guest · 655 weeks ago
Miami Al · 655 weeks ago
So a move to year round schooling would take away one of the ways that you are helping keep your advantaged children advantaged...
Yeshiva_Dad 69p · 655 weeks ago
JS (hello) · 655 weeks ago
What are yeshiva students doing during the summer to keep up their supposed competitive advantage? Sleepaway camp with some gemara?
End Welfare · 655 weeks ago
Sora · 655 weeks ago
End Welfare · 655 weeks ago
M. Hunter · 655 weeks ago
Sora · 655 weeks ago
Funtimes · 655 weeks ago
Proud He'atid Parent · 655 weeks ago
Guest · 655 weeks ago
End Welfare · 655 weeks ago
We coddle our kids way too much. Just saying.......
Teaneck Res · 655 weeks ago
Guess my name · 655 weeks ago
Proud He'atid Parent · 655 weeks ago
Guest · 655 weeks ago
HeAtid Parent · 655 weeks ago
Proud He'atid Parent · 655 weeks ago
I don't see why the schools can't get all their orientation, slow starts, whatever they call it done before the first day so that the first day can really be a first day. (as opposed to a first hour!)
Yannai Segal · 655 weeks ago
Minimizing burden on working parents is definitely a concern here (school is open on H'M Sukkot). The biggest challenge is putting the right amount of days off around Pesach to accommodate vacation-constrained working folks and parents/staff that need to travel.