Trying to bring sanity to the discussion of Yeshiva Day School tuition in Bergen County, NJ
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
BPY Schedule 2012/2013
BPY Announced their schedule next year and it is in fact a big improvement! We're getting closer to the 180 days that public school have. Curious to see how their price/day will compare to the other schools when they announce the fee schedule after Pesach. Hopefully the other schools will follow suit. Here it is below:
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BPY Schedule 2012/2013
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Melvin · 677 weeks ago
Michael · 677 weeks ago
SACS? · 677 weeks ago
Yasher Koach to BPY. Everyone thought He'Atid was the new shining light, but based on several moved BPY has made in the past few months, I think BPY may be the new "ground breaker" in BC Yeshivot. I do understand that their tuition, while "frozen" for a couple a years is still several thousand more than some other schools - that remains to be an issue and it would be interesting if BPY can find a way to do all these amazing things and ROLL back tuition 10 or 15% in the next couple of years. With a large former frisch building, perhaps if their enrollment increases 15 or 20%, they can do that.
STACEY · 677 weeks ago
The Know · 677 weeks ago
JS (hello) · 677 weeks ago
Are you going to put together a post showing every school's tuition and fees? Would be nice to see (especially if you could compare to last year).
JS (hello) · 677 weeks ago
2011-2012 BPY:
Looks the same to me.
EZS · 677 weeks ago
JS (hello) · 677 weeks ago
Kindergarten is $13,800
Early registration is $750
Building fund is $1500 ($7500 over 5 years)
Family obligation is $1300
Total: $17350
Noam is $17,400 (building fund is $7500 over 6 years)
RYNJ is $15,880 (building fund is $8000 over 7 years, $2000 first year)
Yavneh is $16,192 (building fund is $7000 over 6 years)
Kushner is $14,810 (building fund is 3200 over 5 years)
For each of the above I assumed the family would pay the scrip buyout fee instead of buying scrip. I also assumed only 1 child in kindergarten, first year in school.
It's a bit misleading I suppose since many fees are "per family" so tuition per child would be less if a family had 2 kids in the school. Also, RYNJ front-loads its building fund - 1st year is $2000, every subsequent year is $1000.
Regardless, it's expensive.
JS (hello) · 677 weeks ago
It's a good trend, but I really wonder if it's sustainable. I don't know how the schools are funding the flat tuitions - better collections? more donations? cost cutting? no raises/bonuses for staff? letting staff go? increased class size?
Thing is, even if tuition stayed mostly flat, or rose only 1-2% per year, it's still out of reach for most people. I imagine at least 10+ years would have to go by of flat tuition while wages go up until the current rates are affordable for parents.
JS (hello) · 677 weeks ago
Did any other schools post 2012-2013? I only found Kushner's online.
Kushner seems roughly in line, if not more expensive. Only major difference is a smaller building fee.
2011-2012 Noam:
2011-2012 RYNJ:
2011-2012 Yavneh:
Avi Greengart · 677 weeks ago
Miami Al · 677 weeks ago
But JFS is a 4 hour commute away, and therefore irrelevant!
Clearly your experience with time is colored by your devotion to money above all else.
conservative scifi · 676 weeks ago
I thought you lived in Miami, not Silver Spring, MD (which Google maps says is 3 hours 51 minutes from JFS, so 4 hours with traffic). From Cherry Hill, NJ, google maps say it takes 1 hour, 28 minutes for a 3 hour round trip. Even from Teaneck, it shows as a 42 minute ride (48 minutes in current traffic).