Wednesday, April 4, 2012

BPY Schedule 2012/2013

 BPY Announced their schedule next year and it is in fact a big improvement!  We're getting closer to the 180 days that public school have. Curious to see how their price/day  will compare to the other schools when they announce the fee schedule after Pesach.  Hopefully the other schools will follow suit.  Here it is below:

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Fees were announced almost a month ago. Third year in a row with no tuition increase
Pressure is now on heatid to have school on chol hamoed succos like BPY or they will have pie on their face after calling out the legacy schools for so many extra days off.
Bottom line is having a few days off around Christmas / New Years shows respect to the non-Jewish employees AND bus companies [I know they don't operate usually on 12/25 and 1/1], but also, majority of parents are off around that time, for at least those days, many off the entire week. I know of very, very few parents that take off chol hamoed.

Yasher Koach to BPY. Everyone thought He'Atid was the new shining light, but based on several moved BPY has made in the past few months, I think BPY may be the new "ground breaker" in BC Yeshivot. I do understand that their tuition, while "frozen" for a couple a years is still several thousand more than some other schools - that remains to be an issue and it would be interesting if BPY can find a way to do all these amazing things and ROLL back tuition 10 or 15% in the next couple of years. With a large former frisch building, perhaps if their enrollment increases 15 or 20%, they can do that.
BPY cant decrease tuition. They have a huge amount of debt. At some point all these schools who are holding tuition steady will have to increase - they are just cutting bits and pieces - their model doesn't allow for big cuts. BPY's tuition is still significantly bigger than other schools, their enrollment hasn't increased much, and the question is how much longer they can go on with the amount of debt they have. I can't speak for the exact days He'atid will have off, but their calendar is for 180 days of school.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
BPY's enrollment has been steadily rising, unlike some of the other schools.
JS (hello)'s avatar

JS (hello) · 677 weeks ago

What did their schedule look like last year? Hard to make a comparison without last year's data.

Are you going to put together a post showing every school's tuition and fees? Would be nice to see (especially if you could compare to last year).
If I'm reading this correctly, tuition is about 18k. Is that right??
JS (hello)'s avatar

JS (hello) · 677 weeks ago

Depends on what grade you're referring to. Also depends on how you factor in the building fund.

Kindergarten is $13,800
Early registration is $750
Building fund is $1500 ($7500 over 5 years)
Family obligation is $1300

Total: $17350

Noam is $17,400 (building fund is $7500 over 6 years)
RYNJ is $15,880 (building fund is $8000 over 7 years, $2000 first year)
Yavneh is $16,192 (building fund is $7000 over 6 years)
Kushner is $14,810 (building fund is 3200 over 5 years)

For each of the above I assumed the family would pay the scrip buyout fee instead of buying scrip. I also assumed only 1 child in kindergarten, first year in school.

It's a bit misleading I suppose since many fees are "per family" so tuition per child would be less if a family had 2 kids in the school. Also, RYNJ front-loads its building fund - 1st year is $2000, every subsequent year is $1000.

Regardless, it's expensive.
JS (hello)'s avatar

JS (hello) · 677 weeks ago

What's interesting is that every yeshiva has kept tuition flat or nearly flat over the last 3-4 years (assuming 2012-2013 follows the same trend for those that have not yet released their numbers). The 2009-2010 tuitions are almost the same as the 2012-2013 tuitions (or at most are a few hundred dollars off). This compares with previous annual increases of several hundreds per year.

It's a good trend, but I really wonder if it's sustainable. I don't know how the schools are funding the flat tuitions - better collections? more donations? cost cutting? no raises/bonuses for staff? letting staff go? increased class size?

Thing is, even if tuition stayed mostly flat, or rose only 1-2% per year, it's still out of reach for most people. I imagine at least 10+ years would have to go by of flat tuition while wages go up until the current rates are affordable for parents.
JS (hello)'s avatar

JS (hello) · 677 weeks ago

Why do people say BPY is so much more expensive than other schools?

Did any other schools post 2012-2013? I only found Kushner's online.
Kushner seems roughly in line, if not more expensive. Only major difference is a smaller building fee.

2011-2012 Noam:

2011-2012 RYNJ:

2011-2012 Yavneh:

But JFS is a 4 hour commute away, and therefore irrelevant!

Clearly your experience with time is colored by your devotion to money above all else.
conservative scifi's avatar

conservative scifi · 676 weeks ago

Miami Al,

I thought you lived in Miami, not Silver Spring, MD (which Google maps says is 3 hours 51 minutes from JFS, so 4 hours with traffic). From Cherry Hill, NJ, google maps say it takes 1 hour, 28 minutes for a 3 hour round trip. Even from Teaneck, it shows as a 42 minute ride (48 minutes in current traffic).

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